###### How to install the TeamSpeak-Server in linux ###### This document describes in great detail each step required to get the TeamSpeak server to run in linux. If you are a more advanced user you can propably skip this, its for beginners (for advanced users just do: download, extract, run). ### 1. Downloading the server ### There are two possibilities: Either you download the server with some graphical tool of your choice, and then copy it to some place on the harddrive of your linux computer, or you try and download directly from the shell. There is a useful tool called "wget" to do this. It works like this (this example uses the currently newest server, just replace the URL with the link to the most recent server file (as found on http://www.teamspeak.org) ). wget ftp://webpost.teamspeak.org/releases/ts2_server_rc2_20201.tar.bz2 ### 2. Changing to the directory the server is in ### Now, we have to be in the directory to which the server file was downloaded too. If you just issued the wget command, then you are propably already there, check if you see it via: ls If you cant see the server file, you will have to find out where you copied it to, and change to that directory: cd /you/should/know/where/you/put/it If you entered the right path, "ls" should now show the file. ### 3. Unpacking the server ### Unpacking is easy, simply issue (substitute the file name so it fits for your serverfile): tar -xvjf ts2_server_rc2_20201.tar.bz2 ### 4. Changing into the newly created server directory ### Now we want to change into the newly created directory, in which the programme files are situated. cd tss2_rc2 ### 5. Starting the server, and stopping it again ### To start the server you can now issue: ./teamspeak2-server_startscript start If you wish to stop the server again run ./teamspeak2-server_startscript stop ### 6. Configuring the server ### You might want to configure the newly installed server. There is a nice webadmin interface for this, just open your favorite browser and type "http://ts_server:14534" into the address field - of course you would have to substitute "ts_server" with the "real" IP/Hostname. ### 7. More Questions? ### Further questions are answered in the provided README file, that comes with the server, if you are in the right directory (the tss2_rc2 in the example), you can read it by issuing: less README You have a working TeamSpeak server. Have fun with it ! - written 27.12.03 by pwk.linuxfan