Server Permissions
This is were the real power of RC2 comes into play. TeamSpeak 2 works with 6 statuses for the client:
Server Admin, Channel Admin, Operator, Voiced, Registered and Anonymous
For each of these statuses you can set permissions (what they are allowed to do on your server and what they are not allowed). If you check a radiobutton behind a permission, it will be enabled. Unchecked, this permission is disabled for the specific status. This manual will go over the options of the Server Admin only. Since the other statuses only have fewer permissions than stated in this status all things can be applied to the other statuses too. I will go over the permissions one by one:
AccessWebAdminServer: SA can access the webadmin function
AccessTcpServer: SA can access the TCPquery function
AccesVoice: SA can login in via the client to the TeamSpeak server
AdminRegisterPlayer: SA can register a user in the client
AdminListDBUsers: SA can see what users are registered in the webadmin
AdminChangeOwnPassword: SA can change own password
AdminChangeUserPassword: SA can change user’s password
AdminSetServerPermissions: SA can set the permissions on a server
AdminListDBServers: SA can see what servers are running on a TeamSpeak server instance.
AdminAddServer: SA can add a server to a TeamSpeak server instance
AdminDeleteServer: SA can delete a server
AdminEditServerIPPort: SA can change the port of a server
AdminEditServerWebpostURL: SA can set the Webpost URL
AdminEditServerName: SA can set the servername
AdminEditServerMaxUsers: SA can set the max server users.
AdminEditServerWelcomeMessage: SA can set the welcome message on a server
AdminEditServerPassword: SA can set the server password
AdminEditServertype: SA can set the server as Clan or Public
AdminEditServerAllowedCodecs: SA can set the allowed codecs on a server
AdminBanIP: SA can use the Ban IP function in the client
AdminMovePlayer: SA can drag and drop players in the client over channels
AdminStopServer: SA can stop a running server
AdminStartServer: SA can start a server
ChannelJoinedRegistered: SA can join a registered channel
ChannelCreateRegistered: SA can create a registered channel in the client
ChannelCreateUnregistered: SA can create a unregistered channel
ChannelCreateDefault: SA can make a default channel (first channel when you join a server)
ChannelCreatSubchannels: SA can create subchannels
ChannelCreateModerated: SA can create moderated channels
ChannelDelete: SA can delete a channel in the client
ChannelEditName: SA can change the channel name
ChannelEditPassword: SA can change the channel password
ChannelEditTopic: SA can change the channel topic
ChannelEditDescription: SA can change the channel description
ChannelEditOrder: SA can set the order of a channel
ChannelEditMaxusers: SA can set the maximum amount of users in a channel
ChannelEditCodec: SA can set the codec used by the channel
ChannelJoinWithoutPassword: SA can join every channel, even password protected ones
PrivilegeGrantSA: SA can give SA status to other users
PrivilegeGrantCA: SA can give CA status to other users
PrivilegeGrantAutoOp: SA can give AutoOperator status to other users
PrivilegeGrantOp: SA can give Operator status to other users
PrivilegeGrantAutoV: SA can give AutoVoice to other users
PrivilegeGrantV: SA can give Voice to other users
PrivilegeGrantAllowRegistration: SA can allow users to register with server
PrivilegeRevokeX: SA can revoke the status permissions earlier given to users
PriviligeAdminPlayerRegister: SA can allow user to make them register users
PrivilegePlayerDelete: SA can delete registered users in the webadmin
PrivilegeRegisterSelfByDefault: Users with the SA status can always register with server
SendTextToAll: SA can send text to all users currently on the server
SendTextToOwnChannel: SA can send text to a channel they created
SendTextToAllChannel: SA can send text to all channels of a server
KickPlayerFromServer: SA can kick a user off a server
KickPlayerFromChannel: SA can kick a user to the default channel
AllowChannelCommander: SA can set the channel commander to him/herself
These are all the configurable permissions (other statuses than SA have fewer options as you will see in the respective pages but they are listed above. Just replace the SA name in the sentences above here with the status you are editing)