Name ci - display informations about a channel Usage ci ci will display information on the channel specified with . Lets have a look at its output: c_id is the channel ID c_pid if this channel is a subchannel, this is the ID of the parent channel - else its -1 c_dbid this is the database ID, zero for unregistered channels c_name the name of the channel c_fU is this channel unregistered ? 0=false 1=true c_fM is this channel moderated ? (0/1) c_fP is this channel passworded ? (0/1) c_fH is the channel a subchannel ? (0/1) c_fD is this channel the default channel ? (0/1) c_codec is the channel codec, from this table: 0 CELP 5.2 1 CELP 6.3 2 GSM 14.8 3 GSM 16.4 4 Windows CELP 5.2 5 Speex 3.4 6 Speex 5.2 7 Speex 7.2 8 Speex 9.3 9 Speex 12.3 10 Speex 16.3 11 Speex 19.5 12 Speex 25.9 c_order the value that was entered as channel "order", default 3200 c_maxusers maximum users allowed to this channel c_created time and date of channel creation c_topic the channel topic c_description the channel description Following this output is the list of all players currently in the channel, with their channel rights. Most of the flags are obviouse, except: st is 1 if the user is sticky (-> sppriv) Example No example, as the output is too long for these 80 character lines :o)