Name globalset - set global attributes Usage globalset globalset will change the of the teamspeak instance and set it to . These are the currently available attributes and their values: attribute value hoster_gfx_url text Note: This is a URL to a image to be displayed to connected clients, changes to it will only be visible to clients connecting after you changed it - and the changes will not be saved to the server.ini, meaning will not be permanent over a server restart. allowedclientnamechars text Note: This restricts what characters you will allow in nicknames. Users with disallowed characters will get a message when they connect. disallowedclientnamechars text Note: This is the little brother of allowedclientnamechars - characters you set here will not be allowed in nicknames, clients will be informed what characters they are using that are not allowed on this server. The default setting for this will be "()[]{}" to prevent flag faking. Example globalset hoster_gfx_url >OK